Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I am having a hard time posting pictures. Bret is out hunting, so he can help me later. Our days go like this. We get a wake up knock at the door just as morning is approaching. Bret gets up, gets ready, eats breakfast (he has caused quite a stir with his peanut butter addiction). He then heads out with his PH (professional hunter), Jim, three trackers, and Jason a 17 year old PH in training. They go all morning and come back around lunch time. He has usually shot something every morning. My mornings are a little different. This first day here, I got up and went with him, but I soon discovered that I is way more physically demanding on a body to travel to the other side of the earth than I originally thought. So I have been having very leisurely mornings since then. I get up, when I wake up. I get ready and go to find Claytus, he is the best. Although we have a extreme language barrier, we can communicate fairly well. I did get a roll however when I asked for hash browns.:)

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