Just a little information, Victoria Falls City is in a National Park, which means that they have city elephants, like we have city deer. The people at dinner last night were saying that the elephants break down all fences to get to their trees and gardens. They are a real problem here. The only thing that kind-of works to scare them away is a potato cannon, or a paint gun with pepper balls, but you have to hit them just below the eye. Another interesting side note, toilet paper is a luxury item in Africa ( just something to think about). Today we started out with a very large guy being our security at the open markets. His name is Zway. He told us not to purchase anything and expect change without him being there. He also told us that the people would get very pushy, but he was there as a visible reminder for our protection. At first, I was nervous, but Zway was always within arms distance, and he took excellent care of us. I would never take my kids there, but we were okay and it was an experience to remember. After shopping, we went to Victoria Falls Hotel for lunch. It was very swanky!! We had crocodile salad. It tasted like chicken, but rubbery. By the way, Zway was continually watching us from a distance wherever we were. After lunch, we went for a walk along the falls. It was so amazingly breathtaking, truly unbelievable. I will post pictures later. Just walking along the paths, we got completely drenched. Wherever our rented raincoats didn't cover, we were soaking. Also, the fences around the rim of the waterfall overlook was unreal. They were just sticks about 18 inches tall lined up here and there. So much for safety. Before dinner we went on a Sunset river cruise. We did see a big croc and a little croc. We saw one elephant and a bunch of hippos. We even saw a baby hippo riding on the back of its mom. And the sunset was awesome. We are back to our lodge for a dinner of fish from the Zambeze River. Last night we had eland steaks, sable sausage, and kudu. We have also been served chicken liver patae. And Bret was served kudu liver back at camp. All in all, every day is a new adventure. We hope everything is great at home! Love you all!
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